Control hierarchy allows co-operation with manual lighting control (app, switches and push buttons) and automated controls (presence sensors and timers). Each control action has a specific priority and if multiple controls are simultaneously trying to control the luminaire it will adhere the highest priority. When the highest priority control is removed the luminaires will fade into next highest priority. If hierarchy is empty the luminaire will turn OFF.

Priority levels

  • Manual control (from the app, switches, push buttons)
  • Date timers (with presence override)
  • Weekday timers (with presence override)
  • Presence sensors
  • Date timers
  • Weekday timers

Manual control

Manual lighting control has the highest priority and will always override the any automated control. It can be set to timeout or stay on indefinitely. There are configurable timeouts for manual control assigned for day and night periods of each weekday.

When the timeout is reached the manual control will be removed and luminaire fades out to next highest priority control. Setting timeout value to zero will disable timeout, but in this case manual control will always be overriding presence sensors and timers.

When a luminaire displays the @ icon it indicates that it is under automated lighting control (presence sensors or timers). Tapping the @ button in the luminaires tab will remove the manual control from all luminaires or from the opened group.

Presence sensors

Presence sensors operate on second highest priority (unless a timer has been set that "overrides presence") and use scenes to control the luminaires. Up to 20 sensors (only 10 for a Classic network) can simultaneously control an individual luminaire, and when multiple sensors are affecting luminaire it will be following the presence scene with highest dim level.

Each presence sensor has a setting for linger time which dictates how long the scenes will stay on after presence is no longer detected. After the linger time passes the associated luminaires will be faded over the configured duration.

Presence controls can be assigned to smart switching, push button or dedicated presence sensors. Each action can trigger up to two scenes; A typical use case is to use one scene for actual controlled area and another scene for a separate associated emergency route. Note that if multiple scenes are used there should not be overlap between affected luminaires (i.e. luminaires in one scene must not be the same as those used in the second scene).

Presence control

Activates a scenes when presence is detected and deactivates it after presence is no longer detected. This option could be used for example in an installation where the light level is controlled by timers and when presence is detected the light level should change. In this case the luminaires will return to the light level defined by the timer when no presence is detected.

Presence/Absence control

Activates a scene when presence is detected and changes to absence scene after presence is no longer detected. Note that absence scenes will only have effect those luminaires that were affected by presence scenes. Presence/Absence control option could be used for example in a warehouse where normally the absence scene will always control the light level except when movement is detected. If the light would need to be off during night time then a timer with sensor override could be used.

Absence control

Absence control allows luminaires can be manually controlled and when presence is no longer detected it will remove the manual control (if any.) Scenes are only used to select the affected luminaires. Absence option can be used for example in an office space where employees want to control luminaires manually but then the luminaires should turn off when there is no one present. 


Timers are split into two categories: date based (meaning start / end times are based on specific date) and other timers. Date based timers have a higher priority than the other timers, so they will override weekday based timers. Thus it is possible to use them to implement, for example, a holiday season override.

Timers can also be set to override presence sensors; this could be used, for instance, to prevent sensors from activating luminaires at a certain time of day.

It is also possible to configure the timers to automatically activate when a luminaire is powered on. This can be done in Control options screen ("Activate timers on startup"). After receiving the network time the luminaire will determine the expected timer state and then activate them. Note that after switching the power ON there will be a small delay before this happens.

Tip: To test some functionalities during commissioning the luminaire control hierarchies can be reset by selecting More → Network Setup → Configure all luminaires → Reset Network.